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K o m m e n t e r a
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My new lovers

Spent the whole day in one of the best places on earth; CAMDEN.
My parents bought me a pair of fake Jeffrey Campbell since none of us can afford the real deal (£120 compared to £45!), and I don't mind fake things, not at all, as long as they aren't too plastic looking and doesnt break after one use (knock on wood...).

And then I bought a pair of shoes that I've wanted for a loooong time, CREEPERS! :)
Theese ones is also fake, cause when I tried the real ones on and compared them to the fake, the fake ones was surprisingly more comfy (And hello, what do you rather pay when you're already broke; £90 or £35?!)
But yea, definitely gonna buy the real Creepers one day when I'm rich.
Other than this I've bought a lot of other stuff, will take pictures and post tomorrow if I have time!

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Midsommar i London

Lovely day with my family 

But why is it ALWAYS cold/windy/rainy at midsummer?

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Om 19 dagar åker jag till Sverige i 3 veckor, längtar ihjäl mig, hoppas att vädret kommer vara bra så att man kan va ute på havet mycket ♥ & på torsdag kommer hela min familj hit & hälsar på!!! :) ♥

& detta är ett löfte till mig själv, när jag är tillbaka från Sverige, då SKA jag börja träna på gym & sluta dricka alhohol så ofta & sluta sova bort alla mina lediga dagar, detta håller ikke. Min slitande jobb & mina skeva timmar går ju tyvärr inte att ändra så mycket på, men får jag bara börjat träna så hoppas jag att jag kan må bättre, känner mig för schleten just nu. Alltid trött, ingen energi osv osv.


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The world

My mind is in pieces,
My soul, even more so.
I try to hold it together,
It never works, I know.
I dont know what I want
From the broken life I live.
Happiness is all I offer,
Laughter; all I give.
As hard as I try,
Ill never be as one.
I am falling to pieces,
And nothing can be done.
As innocent as a child,
I want all i see.
Satisfaction in itself,
Is a luxury for me.
My mind is in pieces,
My soul, even more so.
I try to hold it together,
It never works, I know.

I dont know what I want
From the broken life I live.
Happiness is all I offer,
Laughter; all I give.

As hard as I try,
Ill never be as one.
I am falling to pieces,
And nothing can be done.

As innocent as a child,
I want all I see.
Satisfaction in itself,
Is a luxury for me.

K o m m e n t e r a
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Så jäkla inspirations lös, okreativ.... Ja, allt sånt.
Vill verkligen hitta tillbaka till min superkreativa period men känns som att den aldrig kommer komma tillbaka?

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